Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Little Grace please

Ah, so it's not Every Day with Grace. Maybe it's almost every day with Grace.  Whatever, I have just come in from a lovely evening. A cousin of my father's on the spur of the moment planned a dinner party. It was good to see family members I have only seen in passing in the last 2 decades.  I spent the evening conversing with people I perhaps have never sat down to talk with as an adult in my whole life and yet they were a real part of my childhood. Interesting. Time goes so fast.

You may delay, but time will not...Ben Franklin.

Yes, she was right to throw a party, and what a party it was.  There were tons of appetizers--pigs in a blanket, little toasts with cheese dip, something she called green fudge.  I had my first Manhattan. It was good :).  Then there was dinner--beef stroganoff, salad, and these lovely vegetables with zucchini, carrots and leek.  And though I couldn't, you know she didn't forget dessert--beautiful meringue cookies, butter nut toffees, fruit cake and Boston creme pie.  I thought I'd die, and one day I will. So glad to have had the opportunity to party in the interim.  I'll keep it my heart and count it as my send off. 
Time flies, you know.

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