Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, this explains everything. It explains hula hoops and pet rocks, the Macarena, reality tv shows, crocs, and maybe even Justin Bieber. And it’s a plan—get out there, get crazy, take your shirt off (okay, not that crazy), and most of all find a follower. And this morning, I have my first follower. Thank you F.J.! As Derek Sivers says, “it takes guts to be the first follower.” The thing is I’m not real sure how this dance is going to go yet, but I’m going to keep dancing. I’m willing to be the lone nut. (Sometimes I think I have no choice).

So, my grace for today: Give the lone nuts a little room, but if it feels right, get in there and get dancin’.

1 comment:

  1. From one nut to a-nutter ... "you're not alone any more". : )
