Monday, January 14, 2013

A Dose of Reality

Not this much money...
Hey, I went and picked up some cash today. Real money, you know, green bills. I bought stuff, nothing significant really, just a few things where I always buy stuff with my discretionary income--the convenience store...

There’s something about using real money though. You know it’s paid for, and you’re done with it. It’s tangible. You know where you stand. I like that.  Reality, it’s something that seems to be slipping away these days.

I have virtual friends. I write blogs on the Internet, not with pen and ink on real paper. My photo albums are empty and neglected because everything is uploaded. I define myself online, and really, despite the fact that it’s interactive, it’s rather two dimensional--no animation.  I think I’m rather animated ;)  

It’s all about concept, like advertising. People are forever trying to reach, express and capture that Platonic ideal. The trouble is, it doesn’t exist on this plane. And well, when you turn your head from the screen and face the real world, it seems to fall short. 

But not if you take a really good look because the real world has a lot to offer that a virtual world cannot. The smell and taste of home baked cookies for example, the wide expanse of the morning sky, the velvet of a rose petal, the touch of someone’s hand. A hug when you feel alone in the world, closeness. Real relationships too, the ones you sometimes wish you didn’t have, but leave a big hole when their gone.

Of course, real isn’t always wonderful. But it does fill you up, and when you look back, something really happened in your life. There are memories, and you end up somewhere, and something real will happen tomorrow.  It’s tangible. You know where you stand. I like that.  

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