Tuesday, January 15, 2013

All together now

People, I love people. I don’t know why. They can be hurtful creatures---small, self-consumed, oversensitive, and just darn right mean. Everybody has their own agenda. And a group of them can’t gather for very long before some conflict is raised, factions are formed and chaos ensues.
But music, like some magic elixir, swirls it all around, and when the music starts, well, it brings them all together.

Keeping time--that’s part of it. Rhythm, the beat, like breathing, walking, the thump, thump, thump of the heart. Everybody has to hit it together, and the rhythm itself drives them to. Some, of course, dance better than others, but even those who stumble a bit, are gathered into the story of a song--love lost, love sought, love found, loneliness, hurt, joy, worship. Even music without words tells a story in the whirling, ethereal, mystery of melody. It can make you smile. It can make you cry, and it touches something in all of us.

A common chord.

What we play is life---Louis Armstrong 

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