I thought I would go to the Morse Mill River Access. I had never been there in the snow, but the snow-slushed gravel road put me off, and I passed the entrance and kept driving on Highway C, and so fate made the first decision on my little road trip.
I often do that, let circumstances direct my path. I know the discovery and the adventure of it are worth much more than any particular destination. And when I have some time and nowhere else to be I am pleased to trust that God will get me where he wants me.
It was a beautiful digression. The road was lined with pines. I stopped, got out of my car and walked along the ridge looking down to the valley below. The snow was rolled out like a white blanket covering the hills and filling the hollow.
And at the crest of the hill, there stood a small cabin looking a little worse for wear, and maybe even abandoned, or was it just held at arm’s length for moments stolen from an everyday world, too few moments.
Under the overhang a sign hailed it "Haven."
Suddenly I felt empty, thought perhaps I was fooling myself. The sky grew greyer, the air colder, the world more like a dismal winter. I looked up again at the snow-filled woods.
There, standing at the roadside was a coyote, winter silver, calm and cool. It casually walked across the street, turned, looked at me, and walked off into the woods.
I knew then I was where I was supposed to be.
I’d say the rest of the day was pretty anticlimactic, but it wasn’t. The world grew brighter again. I felt purpose and promise and I knew that whatever road I took there would be a reason, something beautiful, something to be learned and accomplished.